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Monday, March 22, 2010

What to do, what to do...

For several weeks I have been trying to figure out a theme to make a series of videos.  I came up with several ideas and have started sketching up storyboards.  However, I don't connected with any of them.  Here is what I am looking for:
  • Educational
  • Way to demonstrate my ability to use multimedia
  • ~3 minute videos with a theme
  • Want it to serve a purpose besides just using in a portfolio for me
Essentially, I would like to develop a series of videos that I could publish on youtube and link to my website or CMSimple site.  My purpose in doing this is because I would like to have a career aligned with the objectives of my graduate program.  So far, I have experienced some challenges in that.  Mainly, not having (x) amount of years experience and/or several examples that meet the requirements for some of the jobs available.  Basically all my experience has come from being a student vs. employee.

Any ideas?  There is more competition in the job market and it would be nice to have a broad range of examples.  Through this program I can demonstrate my ability to use most of them, but nothing in the way of videos.  I feel that I need to have more instructional video production skills.  Everything else I have experience with and can give examples.  Also, I have theoretical knowledge and research based information, but that is hard to elaborate on when the next person applying for the job has actual videos or clients that can provide references.


  1. Hey Morgon, your bulleted list sounds a lot like a series of videos I did on mountain biking. I think I may have linked to the entire video on youtube, however, on the site below, I have it split into lessons. This may help with your idea. I can tell you all about how I scripted, storyboarded, recorded, found talent, all that stuff... that is what the employers want to see you demonstrate - the skills in video production rather than the actual content. This is currently made available to a nonprofit who takes kids mountain biking. So maybe check and search for video volunteer opps and see what pops up... hope this helps

  2. Great idea - doing videos for a real audience as a volunteer would doubly impress any prospective employer - and have a real world purpose.
