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Monday, March 1, 2010


I can't express enough how grateful I am that there is a way to bookmark sites.  Originally, I didn't have a system when I bookmarked a site.  I just added to my favorites or clicked on bookmark.  Then I noticed how cluttered everything looked and if I wanted to find a bookmark it took some time.  So, I created folders for my bookmarks, then after that I started using tags.  Now, I have my bookmarks saved on my browser in a systematic manner.

Recently, I got an account with deliciousDelicious is an online bookmarking service that allows users to save bookmarks, follow others and see what they bookmark, and create a social environment to show "what is hot" on the web.

What makes this service so appealing is that I travel and frequently use other computers.  Now, all I have to do is log into my account and I will have access to all my bookmarks.  I am slowly starting to go back through the bookmarks I have on my browser and transferring them to delicious.  Another feature that I have enjoyed is just clicking on others bookmarks.  In a way it is like Stumble.  I just click my way around until I find something interesting or relevant. 

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