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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Geo tagging

By contrast, Photosynth *needs* you to move around, and by watching how things move in relationship to each other, discovers where details are in 3D. This gives you a model which can be viewed from any angle (of course the computer can only reconstruct the sides that you point the camera at). Photosynth gives you a 3D model and a position for each photo matched.
~N.L (comment)
 It really is quite amazing to see such technology available.  Unfortunately, I have a mac and photosynth only functions with Windows OS.  Even though I can't contribute it is nice to explore different places as a passive observer.

This would be great for creating virtual museums.  I know they are letting the users generate 3D environments as well as their own environments such as the Notre Dame cathedral.
Created 01/15/2009
512 photos
I don't have a flickr account, but I do use Picasa.  As a matter of fact I downloaded their software because I like how they organize my photos based on facial recognition, location, or date.  It's just simple and "familiar."

Here are a few photos that I have geo tagged.  If I take the picture with my cell phone then the data is automatically recorded.  If I use snapshots of video footage I have taken or other methods then I have to go in and choose the location on a map.  Obviously, the cell phone is easier and more precise.

It is too bad that all the photo sharing sites don't use a universal method to be able to "stitch" photo's together if the contributor wants them to. I would be willing to put images out there to be mined and synced with others to create a realistic 3D environment.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Maps

I just got back from Disney with my daughter.  When I was a kid I was fortunate to be able to go several times a year.  Of course, we lived in Florida then so the logistics and drive time wasn't as long.  The next time I go, this is the trip I will take with my daughter.

There will be a few stops on the way as opposed to driving straight down.  First stop would be Charleston, SC.  After staying the night there we would drive a few hours to Savannah, GA to stretch our legs.  After that it's off to the Magic Kingdom.

I think it goes without say that we would have to spend at least 5 days in Orlando.  It doesn't seem rational to try to rush from one park to the next.  We would take a day at the Magic Kingdom then the following day we would probably relax at the pool and engage in something that isn't so overstimulating like the Magic Kingdom.  Naturally, we would make our way to see the animal park, Seaworld, and water parks.  Ideally, we would stumble upon something amazing that wasn't planned for.  Those tend to be memorable moments.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gap Analysis

Initially my objectives for my Web 2.0/Social Media course were as follows:
-Identify ways to use web 2.0 tools/resources in an academic environment, professional environment, and for independent projects.
-Develop strategies to use web 2.0 in education.
-Create a range of "products" demonstrating my ability to use various web 2.0 tools.
-Collaborate and create

Now almost 3/4 of the way through the course, the question is..... Have I met my objectives? In a way that is a loaded question. I have met most of my objectives. Yet there are some that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying with 100% conviction that I have met them. And that is okay since there is still a good portion of the course left. We are in the process of identifying and completing projects. So there will be group, team, and individual projects. Within each of those projects there is some flexibility so that I can tailor my project to meet my individual objectives.

One of the unique features about this course is that the students participated in establishing the course objectives. I believe that D.I already had a set of objectives, but he was also allowing us to be active participants in the development of the course. There have been pro's and con's to that approach. I had a few objectives that I contributed, but there were others that came up with objectives that I have adopted.

Collectively I would say that it has been quite an experience so far. Aside from being a student and learning about different web 2.0 tools, I have some real world experience. Those experiences include how to establish, organize, and collaborate on projects with people over the web. I have effectively done this before, but there was something uniquely different involved in this course. First off, there are more people involved. Secondly, there have been several projects and ideas being juggled around at once. Then there has been this challenge to organize all the different sources of communication to understand the flow/exchange of ideas. Since there are several sources to check for updates from classmates and instructor I had to adapt. I couldn't just check one place and know what was going on. Since the idea of the course was to set up accounts and have experience using different web 2.0 and communication tools-we did just that. In turn I have more accounts to check... I feel like I have a better grip and method to handle the miriad of communication between all of us. I don't think it could have been something I could learn just by reading about a specific technique. I had to try several til I found a method that worked for me. It also helps that I have a Droid phone so I can access the web on-the-go.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Pass it on.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Web 2.0 Group Activity

I am on a vacation in Orlando with my daughter.  We are having a great time.  We went to the Magic Kingdom yesterday.  Today we relaxed a bit and just went to Downtown Disney and swam at the pool.  Next is Sea World.  
But, the question at hand, what are my thoughts about a group activity. 

This is an example that was provided.  In this video, office mates lip sync to a Backstreet Boys song.  I like the video and think that it would be fun to do, but there are challenges.  Basically, the logistics don't make it possible.  We live in various parts of N.C so we couldn't be in the same place at the same time unless it was in a virtual environment.

This video, is "a compilation of clips submitted by Gmail fans as part of [a] collaborative video project. Selected from over 1,100 clips from fans in more than 65 countries."

 I think we could do something like this.  For whatever it is worth, I have a lot of Lego's and have always wanted to make a stop motion animation.  If there is some flexibility in my contribution then I would either do a stop motion animation or vote for a lip syncing segment like the other video.  As a group of students trying to produce a viral video that we each contribute to would involve something that would be flexible.  Flexible in regards to each other working on their part in their environment of choice, as opposed to us having to be in a specific place at a specific time.  That is one of the premises that made it possible for us to be in the ASU graduate program