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Friday, January 29, 2010

iPad is rad

I'm a sucker for small portable gadgets that allow me to get online, watch videos, and interact with others.  Since I travel alot, I think that I will be investing in an iPad soon.  Check out Steve Jobs unveiling the iPad

It is still early in my web 2.0 graduate course, so it is hard to say how I am doing.  Unfortunately, I don't have the free time to get online and dedicate as much time as I would like into this course.  I am able to contribute to class discussions, and submit the required work.  However, I feel like I haven't done enough.  Sometimes when I login to my email (discussions on moodle are forwarded to my email) I discover that there are around 100 emails.  There doesn't seem to be a pattern to when other students get on moodle.  Once I figure that out, maybe I will be able to stay on track with the discussion threads.  As it is now, I get bits and pieces of several discussions so it is fairly disjointed and I have to go back and re-read others comments. 

Tomorrow, that is the day for me to sit behind a computer for several hours and play catch up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What in the web 2.0 do I do now

I must say, at first I was really excited about blogging. It was new to me and I thought that I would have a lot to blog about. Well... as it turns out I didn't. I suppose I could come up with excuses; there wasn't enough time, I spent too much time on the research and not enough on the publication/blogging, or I just didn't do it. The truth is, I like to read others' blogs more than I like to blog.

The concept of blogging is great. As a reader they are resourceful and easy to access. But as a blogger they take a certain degree of dedication and focus that I have lacked in the past. At first I wanted to blog for my science students. As it turns out they don't have access to the web at home and many of them don't have personal computers. Blogging became a mute subject. Then I thought I would blog about technology. I am interested in it and blogging would almost force me to research and stay in the loop about the latest greatest. I have stayed in touch, but I never made the transition into actually blogging about it. Now, I am hoping that I will have more focus in future blogs.

My intention is to blog about my experience in a graduate course in "Web 2.0 in education." I just began the course and it is moving along fast.